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Fairville seminar - Co-Producing Socio-Spatial Justice on the Urban Margins - June 13th

Philippe Urvoy

The Fairville project team invites you to its firts public seminar on the theme of the co-production of the city in low-income neighbourhoods, based on citizen initiatives in Spain and Senegal :

Promoting the Co-Production of Socio-Spatial Justice on the Urban Margins: The case of Las Sabinas (Móstoles) and GRN (Dakar)

Thursday 13 June, 2.30pm (CET), online seminar 

With Eva Alvares de Andrés

Professor at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Introduction : Agnès Deboulet (LAVUE / Université Paris 8 - CNRS) & Philippe Urvoy (LAVUE / Université Paris 8 - CNRS).

Moderator : Barbara Lipietz (DPU / University College London)

The seminar will take place on Thursday 13 June at 2.30pm (CET), via zoom.

Participants wishing to attend must register via the link below:

The seminar will be held in English, but translation into French will be provided.

As part of the Fairville project, the Mutual Learning Seminar is a regular meeting where researchers, associations, citizens and activists exchange ideas on their working methods and actions.

We look forward to seeing you there,

The Fairville team


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