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Goal 01

Addressing spacial and epistemic (in)justice 


Provide a new set of evidence and indicators regarding spatial and epistemic (in)justice by fill an existing gap which, in turn, is impeding European institutions to better understand how urban co-production processes dedicated to spatial and epistemic justice can mitigate inequalities and positively impact on political participation, democratic quality and stability in cities.


Measure the embeddedness of inequalities and democratic backsliding within current urban environments by looking at the following two areas:


01 — Environmental inequalities in cities: the first type of evidence we want to gather, communicate and operationalise relates to the unequal environmental impact of the climate crisis on urban contexts. This requires the collection of new data concerning issues such as access to water and sanitation, heat inequality, energy precarity and flood-risk as well as concerning the nature and quality of participatory governance at a urban scale ;


02 — The impact of urban regeneration: we refer here to socio-economic inequalities in the context of policy-induced regeneration (with quantitative data on evictions, resettlements, homelessness). This relates to the idea that risks carried out by urban policies and projects should also be unpacked as housing and planning inequalities.


Establish the impact of urban knowledge co-production on the increased democratic participation in low-income urban areas, including by youth and elderly populations, women, immigrants and refugees.


Provide data about the quality of processes and practices that produce urban environments in which the principles of democracy, equity and diversity are critical and in which the social, environmental and spatial dimensions are interconnected (Fainstein, 2009). This will be carried out in a selected number of segregated places and regeneration projects.

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